How many years can we be alive on this planet? how many times you are really feel happy from your heart during you past till now, and how many times are you satisfied for what you did or you have done? Life is really short, we even do not know when we will die, why we still struggle with those stuff, which make you tired and stress.
I accidently read news today on the internet about a guy whose just 26 years old and died suddenly. Her name is Mo Na, was a journalist in China. She suddenly passed away when she collected information.
See, how sudden the life is! the journalist was just graduated from her university 2 years, she would have a bright future as the way went by if she would alive, but .... Therefore, the only words that we could say are 'life is short and cruel'. we are all human being, we are not evil , not god, we could not change the way how it started and when it finish, but we can make it more meaningful, try to happy everyday.
Friends, I know all of you are great, and have a great ambitions for your future. that is good, however, if you can look back on your past and ask yourself, are you really happy with it, what you did in the past, and take a few minutes to think about the death of our life, and the rule of life, you might have different definition for your life. life should be enjoyed, its not to be stress or hard for you. Enjoy today, that is real life, becasue you dont know you are still alive tomorrow or not.
That's sad about the young journalist who died. I agree, we need to make life meaningful and happy everyday!
oh my god.......
I need to think about it......
that is a big question. I know where my happiness is.....it is not far away from home.
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